USPS Delivery Times & Schedule in My Area

USPS provides reliable and effective postal services exclusively in the United States. These services are convenient and fast. Interestingly, this article dives deeper into the USPS delivery times and schedules and how to know them in your area.
USPS Delivery Hours and Times
Generally, USPS operates office and delivery hours between 7 am and 7 pm on weekdays, though this varies by location. On weekends, some USPS offices are usually opened on Saturdays from 7 am to 12 pm but are closed on Sundays. All deliveries should be made by 5:00 p.m. local time useless unusual circumstances cause delays. The general time standard for a regular delivery is typically 2-9 days in the 48 contiguous states.
How to find USPS Near Me / In My Area
To locate the most immediate USPS at your location, use the locator tool on the USPS website, or you can easily find a location tab on the USPS homepage. Once there, follow these effortless instructions:
• Enter your city or town and the mile radius closest to you with the results displayed on a map.
• Clicking a location will show you what time it opens or when it closes and which services it offers. It will also inform you about if Street Parking is available, the accessibility of the facility, and the Post Office’s direct phone number.
Additionally, the USPS website has a glossary of all USPS service locations or download the USPS app on your mobile device and use it to find USPS sites nearby. If you need further assistance, you can also call customer service on +18775696614 or visit the customer help webpage about finding locations.
How early and late USPS delivers?
USPS often delivers from Monday through Friday between 7 am and 7 pm. Your package’s latest possible arrival time is officially at 5 pm local time. However, this is not a strict rule because there is some leeway for delays or schedule changes.
Is USPS delivery time accurate?
Yes, USPS delivery times are often accurate. It depends on how far the items need to travel. The best way to check your delivery status and be updated is to visit the tracking link on their official website, and enter your package’s tracking number. The online results are always in real-time and give you access to their efficiency routing software, so you can find out when exactly the package may arrive.
Can I pick up USPS package before delivery?
You can pick up the parcel from USPS before delivery, but the process can differ depending on the location and post office capabilities. You can request that the destination Post Office hold the item for you or have it returned to the sender. How it works:
• Verify that your shipment is eligible for Package Intercept.
• If it is eligible, you can submit your request online after logging in with your account.
• After submitting your request, a notification for the intercept fee is sent. USPS will then attempt to intercept and redirect the shipment.
• If the shipment is intercepted, your credit or debit card will be charged the $15.25 Package Intercept fee plus any applicable postage. Note that if the actual postage is greater than estimated, any additional postage will be charged accordingly.
• Your shipment will be redirected to the original sender or held at the local Post Office for pickup, depending on your initial choice.
How to Change USPS Delivery Address
To modify your delivery address on USPS halfway through the delivery is not so simple. However, you can use the Package Intercept service, as shown in the paragraph above.
Kindly note that all intercepted items are redirected as Priority Mail, and you must pay the applicable Priority Mail postage. Contact customer care on +18002758777 for further assistance.
Why is my USPS delivery late/delayed?
The volume of mail fluctuates daily; therefore, delivery times are not guaranteed. Hence, USPS deliveries can be delayed due to multiple factors, such as traffic, staffing fluctuations, severe weather, natural disaster, carrier route changes, etc. In case of delays, you can visit the main USPS website, enter the tracking number for details, this will take you to the tracker directly. You can also contact USPS customer service through your USPS login or by calling +18002758777.
What’s a USPS delivery exception?
An exception occurs when deliveries may be disrupted due to an unforeseen event, resulting in a change to the expected delivery day. The most common USPS delivery exception is incorrect addresses and holidays. If you receive a message that your shipment has experienced an exception, do not panic. The next best step is to check the tracking service on the USPS app or website for details and updates. You can also contact USPS customer service through your USPS login or by calling +18002758777.