Correo Argentino Tracking, Delivery & Contact Info

About Correo Argentino

Correo Argentino is the primary postal service provider in Argentina, with a rich history dating back to its establishment in 1997. As the national postal operator, Correo Argentino plays a crucial role in facilitating communication, commerce, and connections across Argentina and internationally.

How to Track Correo Argentino Package (Where is my Correo Argentino package?)

Track Correo Argentino Package & Parcel Here

Tracking your Correo Argentino package is straightforward
• Simply visit the tracking page on the official Correo Argentino website.
• Enter your tracking number.
• Click on the “Search” button to view the status of your shipment.

Correo Argentino Delivery Times & Schedule

Correo Argentino strives to deliver mail and parcels efficiently and promptly. Domestic deliveries within Argentina typically range from 2 to 5 business days for standard services, while express services may deliver within 1 to 3 business days. International delivery times vary depending on the destination and chosen shipping method.

Correo Argentino Weekday Hours: Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Correo Argentino Weekend Hours: Closed on Saturdays and Sundays.

Correo Argentino Contact & Customer Service Info

Correo Argentino is committed to providing exceptional customer service. Whether you have questions about your delivery, need assistance with tracking your package, or require information about their services, the dedicated customer service team is ready to assist you.

You can reach them via phone, email, or visit their headquarters in Buenos Aires. Additionally, Correo Argentino maintains an active presence on social media platforms, where you can stay updated with news, promotions, and service announcements.For assistance and inquiries, you can contact Correo Argentino through the following channels:

Phone number: Locally; 0810 – 777 – 7787 / Internationally; (011) 4891-9191 (Available from 9:00 AM – 10:00 PM)
Mailing Address: Av. Antártida Argentina 1230, C1104ACV, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Social Media: Stay updated with Correo Argentino news and announcements on

Correo Argentino FAQ

Is there a Correo Argentino location or branch near me?
You can use the branch locator tool on the official website to find the nearest Correo Argentino branch. Additionally, Correo Argentino operates numerous branches across Argentina, ensuring convenient access to postal services for customers nationwide.

Can Correo Argentino ship or deliver to a PO Box?
Yes, Correo Argentino can ship to PO Boxes, providing a flexible delivery option for customers who prefer this service.

Does Correo Argentino offer mailbox/PO box rental services?
Yes, Correo Argentino provides mailbox and PO box rental services. Customers can rent mailboxes for personal or business use, offering a secure and convenient way to receive mail and packages. Visit the official Correo Argentino website for more information on mailbox rental options and pricing.

Can I pick up my Correo Argentino package?
Yes, customers can pick up their packages from designated Correo Argentino locations, offering an alternative to home delivery for added convenience.

What are Correo Argentino’s opening hours?
Correo Argentino operates from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM, ensuring accessibility to postal services during standard business hours.

Does Correo Argentino deliver or offer pickups on Sundays or Saturdays?
Correo Argentino does not deliver or offer pickups on Sundays or Saturdays. However, customers can still access various self-service options on the official website, such as package tracking and postage rate calculations, even on weekends.